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Lorem ipsum (sample text) dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed luctus, libero quis ullamcorper sollicitudin, augue felis adipiscing nunc, ultricies pharetra wisi orci et massa. Donec justo dui, sollicitudin id, viverra dictum, gravida nec, dolor. Proin at lacus ut ipsum accumsan posuere. Sed id mauris. Duis lorem lacus, porta quis, lobortis vitae, semper eu, massa.

Pellentesque interdum lacus sit amet dolor. Aliquam rhoncus, dui at ultrices adipiscing, orci turpis pretium tellus, et faucibus ligula urna vel tellus. Aliquam tortor pede, fermentum quis, tristique sit amet, sollicitudin a, dolor.

Section title
Section title
Lorem ipsum (sample text) dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Sed luctus, libero quis ullamcorper sollicitudin, augue felis adipiscing nunc, ultricies pharetra wisi orci et massa. Donec justo dui, sollicitudin id, viverra dictum, gravida nec, dolor. Proin at lacus ut ipsum accumsan posuere. Sed id mauris. Duis lorem lacus, porta quis, lobortis vitae, semper eu, massa.

Pellentesque interdum lacus sit amet dolor. Aliquam rhoncus, dui at ultrices adipiscing, orci turpis pretium tellus, et faucibus ligula urna vel tellus. Aliquam tortor pede, fermentum quis, tristique sit amet, sollicitudin a, dolor.

    Mission Statement

    To counter a corrupt and greedy industry, mainly controlled by defacto corporate monopolies, by offering customer-focused auto repair and services with a guaranteed 30% savings and substantially better perks. We are an insurgent company acting on behalf of the interests of the people of the United States.

    Contact us
    email usour facebook page
    Affordable Mechanics of America
    PO Box #13714
    Scottsdale, AZ 85267
    Customer-Focused Auto Services